Saturday, June 9, 2012

How's The Weather?

Living in Wyoming, the chances of finding even one of the Treasure Hunts was slim. I found two of the draft season THs the year before, but little did I know that I wouldn't see a lick of the Weather Girls in person until almost a year later.

That time was yesterday. A big box arrived after an anxious week-long wait.

I wasn't going to be greedy. I wanted the main three, and the special Rainbow could wait til later, or never. I'm glad I found this lot, because when I pulled her out, I realized just how entranced I was by her.

She's going to be my special project. A 99% Arabian blood AraApaloosa x Pintabian cross. I have the Pintabians to do it. Now I just need to breed a high percentage AraAppaloosa. Not sure what I want to name her, but I'd like to make it a play on lucky number four, charmed four, and/or rainbow, her original name.

The next was a major disappointment.

Not only did it damage my most favorite of the four, but its on her good side, and she's super tipsy and can't stand on her own on a flat surface.

I don't know HOW the flat side of a box does so much damage.

 She's not live show quality, that's for sure. And she's not even photo show quality from this side.

But at least with a little touch up she can look minty fresh for my stable pages! (Kudos to Samantha Kroese for the magic photoshopping!).

I was pleasantly surprised how much I adore the palomino. Her color is sooooo much better in person than Breyer made it seem in their photos. She is practically my new favorite. She will likely become a 15/16 Arabian blood palomino Quarab.

On the other hand, my camera loved Partly Cloudy. It would focus on her in a heartbeat, while the others took a noticeable second. She has some gorgeous dappling. She is going to become a member of my Pintabian herd!

My third big goal for my stable this year: get the Weather Girls. Check.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! They're all lovely. Really too bad about the Tstorm. >< Hate it when the rare ones are damaged.
