Monday, January 14, 2013


My pedigree-the-orphans problem made it to the C's, where Camargues were the first in line.

I started my search by typing Camargue horse breeders into the search engine.

The first link wasn't very helpful pedigree-wise, but it did provide the name of the registry that handles Camargues.

That led me to their website, which is in French. I think.

Thanks to Google's translate site, which helpfully translates whole websites in one shot, and even translates concurrent pages when links are clicked, I produced a legible website.

The last page, called Camargue Stallions, led to a listing of stallions, some even "28 years old", with links to their breeder's websites. This is perfect for filling in those older BSOs I have orphaned. The only downside is most of the pedigrees only have the parents and maybe grandparent lines filled in. If they are anything like mustangs-they seem to be left semi-wild in some cases-even this is a blessing.

While under Google's translate, you can click on any of the breeder websites and Google will translate them as well. This is extremely handy if you need to research a specific horse some more.

Addition 1: I stumbled up on this helpful site (long, because the google translate link included for my English-only readers): here.

Addition 2: I found a snippet of a line in the stud book rules that horses are named with a specific letter per year. All they had listed was 2003= P. This was further supported when I checked the Breeder's Association website and noticed all the horses of the same age had names starting with the same letter (keep in mind if you're looking at the translated version some of the names translate differently, but if you hover over them, Google will show you the original text).

From this, I deduced this list (feel free to copy, paste, save, whatever):

1988- A
1989- B
1990- C
1991- D
1992- E
1993- F
1994- G
1995- H
1996- I
1997- J
1998- K
1999- L
2000- M
2001- N
2002- O
2003- P
2004- Q
2005- R
2006- S
2007- T
2008- U
2009- V
2010- A
2011- B
2012- C
2013- D

Happy parent hunting!

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