Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Suffolk Punch

This will be a short post, considering I only have one Suffolk currently in my stable at this time. So I figured it would be a quick and easy pedigree task. Not quite. Suffolks aren't very popular, and they aren't even listed as a breed option in allbreedpedigree's site, so they show up as either Draft or Other, which isn't very helpful. Luckily, many of them have photos attached.

I found two society's that provide stallion lists:

This one has younger horses, but no extended pedigrees. A few show up in allbreed, with quite extensive pedigrees filled in, as compared with the horses listed at-

I listed all three pages because different info can be found on each one. Many of the horses there are lucky to have grandparents listed, if they show up at all.

I didn't need to dig any deeper than those pages to find a full pedigree for my stud, but I have a feeling finding future pedigrees for any mares to pair with him could turn out to be a daunting research task.

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