Thursday, August 22, 2013


A bit of a personal post. I got laid off from my job back in October of last year, and have been working as a photographer at dealerships for a little bit of income, enough to pay the bills, that is. It hasn't left much room for savings, pet care, dental, etc, let alone more model buys.

Today I was told by my boss that yet another dealership is having issues, and not to go there for a bit. I'm down to only two dealerships, and it's not enough to get me by. So I came home and jumped on craigslist, and there was ONE ad about a trainee engineering position, by a company I'd tried last year and never got a response. I figured I would give it a shot again, and sure enough, I got asked in for an interview.

I'm just asking for prayers or fingers crossed by everyone I can get, that I do well in the interview and if possible get this job. Having money worries taken off my chest would be fabulous right about now. It's literally enough to turn my life around; that's how important getting this job could be.

The interview is Monday. I'll let everyone know how it goes!

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