Saturday, February 16, 2013


Wow. Tonight I got hit -hard- by a wave of memories/nostalgia for my beloved Grand Champions brand while looking at pictures of catalogs and advertising from around 1995. I miss them. And they will never, ever be made again. It's sad. Like...emo sad.

Maybe it was brought on by the lack of monies to buy the ones I need. But, if I feel that way now, how am I going to feel once I do own them all? There's going to be this empty nothingness of beyond. No more to chase. Is that why the ladies who preceded me turned around and sold off their collections once they reached the grand finale? And that poses the question- should I keep chasing that dream if it's proven to not satisfy the hunger?

Or maybe with all this stress of being broke and trying to take care of a house and not having the funds to travel or get married or have kids, I'm longing for the simplicity of childhood.

Whatever it is, it's painful. And I hope it goes away soon.

1 comment:

  1. *hugs*

    That's a hard thing to face, not being able to get your favorite thing anymore because they're no longer being made. That's kind of like me and the old My Little Ponies, I love those but I don't like the new style. You just have to find something else to be passionate about collecting. I'm not sure you should feel a loss/hole when you get them should be feeling a sense of accomplishment if you manage to? Or is the chase what you enjoy and not the actual collecting? In which case when your financial situation improves you could always 'chase' good deals on hard to find ones and resell them. That way you're still chasing and maybe make a little profit too.

    I know when I get depressed I start losing interest in models, especially if it's financial and I can't get any new ones. Hope it passes for you quickly.
