Sunday, January 19, 2014

Rabicano and Rust

That's what I was painting today, anyway. I went to Cal's Ranch Store, a mile away, and picked up some bodies to paint. One of which was a dog. I was interested to see if some black and tan, "rust" paint would turn a Great Dane into a Doberman, with a little help from a dremel tool.

Unfortunately, nobody I knew had a dremel tool, so until the next nice payday, that part of it will have to wait. Until then, I can touch up the paintjob. Didn't turn out too bad for a first go! (Sorry for the crappy pic, was using the iPhone in low light).

The plan is to dock the tail and round it off, and then cut down the jowls to a more refined nose. I've never used a dremel before, so by the time I actually get one, we will pray I don't butcher the poor thing!

Along with the Dobie, I tried my hand at my first rabicano. I don't have a single one in my stable, and I love black Arabians, and knew I needed one. So I made the most simple one I could:

Not my best job, but satisfactory but a first go. I may paint over it later and make her straight black, but we'll see if it grows on me or not.

On the other hand, I was happy with how her eyes turned out. I'm not the best at tiny little spaces!

Again, sorry for the blur. It's nighttime and my phone sucks, apparently. Good to know!

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