Friday, December 16, 2011

The big 900!

I created an Excel file to list all my horses in a row. The rows are Name, Breed, YOB, FFC, LFC, Gender, Color, Brand, Size. It is really neat and handy because I can reorder the data according to Breed, or year of birth, or whichever I please.

That was how I found really quickly which horses were ending their breeding life this year, and which ones were starting in 2012.

I can also reorder by Breed, then Gender, then YOB, so I see all the breeds in alphabetical order, and within the breed I see mares first, and then oldest mare to youngest.

But the exciting news is that tonight, while adding in some of my orphans, I reached 900! Whoo hoo! It's inaccurate as to how many actual models I have, because I have a bunch of orphan models still, and some of the identities in my list are BSOs, and some models have multiple BSOs when an old one retires and the younger version of it takes over. But it's exciting to know I'm that close to 1000!

The horse that made it to 900 was Debutante, a chestnut tobiano American Saddlebred mare, on the Breyer ASB Little Bit mold. I matched her up to a name on a GC bio card, as parent to the GC Mini High Jinx, who I don't yet have.
 SFC Debutante

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