Saturday, December 17, 2011

Chasing Dreams

It is very rare that I see a model horse that I absolutely *have* to have. There are plenty I want, and want very bad, don't get me wrong, but now that I'm grown, that certain sparkle that surrounds models has grown limited to just a few.

And like a fool, I've fallen in love with War Horse. I don't have any certain feeling toward the mold itself, but the color, oh the color, is my absolute favorite shade of bay. I want him, desire him, and it'll crush my heart a little bit when I don't get him.

Because the bad news is, my family is horrible for luck when it comes to drawings. We've never won anything. I, personally, have never won anything, either.

However, my mind is healthy enough to deal with such losses, because my belief that everything happens for a reason consoles me that the people that got them needed them more. Which is a lie, for the most part. Some of the people that get them will not care for the model except for its monetary value, and turn around and sell it. Others will add it to a museum of dusty horses that never get one on one time, and still others will try to show it, and if it doesn't do well, toss it aside and replace it with the next new thing.

And I already know, and am quite happy with, the Christmas presents that are under the tree. My boyfriend is very supportive of my hobby, but he has no clue when it comes down to buying models, which ones I have or don't have, or don't even want. So this year he let me take some money and buy myself a few. I bought Isadora Cruce from the tack shop, and a few of the Stablemates I was missing (I'm on a ridiculous quest to collect them all *shakes fist at Pokemon*). And then, when we went to Murdochs later that evening, we saw they had a sale on all Breyer products for 20% off, so he hooked me up with the mid-states release and Kong.

And yet, Christmas morning, I will still be yearning for good news. Oh Santa, if you are out there, I have been so good this year!


  1. Hehe good luck! I want him really bad too but it's more because I love the Foundation Stallion mold.

    If you don't win this one he is coming out same color on the Man O War mold for a limited Edition? Same color.

  2. Good luck to you, too! I don't have a Foundation Stallion yet, but I would be happy to have him as my first! ;)

    Ya, I need to see that mold in person because there's something about the face in the online pictures that makes it look ugly. I do love that color, tho! *grabby hands*
