Tuesday, December 13, 2011

That is not for chewing...

My mother was craving a flea market run, so we went to our city's only flea market. By now I know all the regular horsey sellers, but today I found horses in two unexpected spots. One seller had their vintage horses priced at $20 and above, too high for my budget, and not in any of the molds I collect (yet...).

The other seller had one horse, who was flopped over on his side, and I only caught a glance of his feet. I picked him up, looked him over, and realized I didn't have any idea about his history. But, for only three dollars I snatched him up.

He's not even close to being mint. He's got rubs, some black marks that I haven't yet tried to wash off, but the worst damage is to his ears and the top of his head.  The ear closest to us in the photo is still pretty much there, but the opposite side is severely mangled. Basically, it looks like a dog got ahold of him for a minute or two.That dog needed some discipline!

I don't know much about woodgrain, just that they're sometimes hard to find. I would've rescued him for $3 no matter what color he was. But he is the first woodgrain I've owned, and I'm happy to add him to my collection!

1 comment:

  1. Aww poor old guy! Good thing you rescued him! Huh..the western pony I got from a flea market was beat up bad too. LOL poor horses! Western horse abuse!
