Friday, April 22, 2011

Horse Highlight of the Week

Copper Traveler III

I've had this horse since about 1995 and he was my first herd stallion. He came in a set with three mares, but he was the only one with tack included. I had absolutely no idea what a Plantation Walker was, but he looked muscular. So when I played with him, he became the solid, sturdy fall-back guy. He was a guardian, a defender.

When my new herd stallion, Eclipse, came along, "Copper Traveler" for short (I never did call him just "Copper") became a second lieutenant, if you will. He was the back-up warrior, who was reliable and trustworthy and always did what was right.

Nowadays, I look on him with the gentleness I might look upon an old man who's been in my family for as long as I can remember. He's got rubs and battle scars all over. I feel sorta bad because I never did get his mare and foal until after I stopped playing and became just a collector. He always was the bachelor. I'm surprised, too. After all these years, and all the playing, his mane and tail are still as shiny and silky as ever.

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