Saturday, April 23, 2011

New Background

I finally got around to setting up my new background. I found this poster half off at a craft store, and it seemed perfect for my bigger traditional Breyer models. Here is my Barbaro, modeling the new backdrop. He sure is long!

The bottom still needs to be cropped off, but it is a huge area, and I'm happy with it.


I did spend part of the day finding those dang gray rocks!

Also, these are the first photos I've ever taken indoors that actually turned out alright. They still have a little of a tint to them, but I'm impressed with the overall turn-out. Hopefully this means more great photos in the future! It also means I'll be getting updated photos of all my Trads here soon!


  1. Oh that's a really neat backdrop Courtney! I like it. And Barbaro's color came out great. Cigar's a pain to get pictures of.

    Try tilting your backdrop forward a little to get rid of the glare on the back? Sometimes that works.

  2. Lol, actually, the "glare" is a waterfall. It's pretty white, so there's not much I can do about it :D
