Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sad Day

Today was the last day of my Horsemanship class. I'm going to miss Wisdom! I didn't get to ride him today, which would have been nice as a farewell. My friend actually got to ride him, and since she didn't have a partner, she rode both iterations. That would've made my day! She did ask me to come over and help her clean out his back hooves. He was being a pain and kicked out a little bit at her. I walked up to his head, talked to him, and then tried to pick up his foot. He behaved perfectly for me. I'd like to think he likes me, or else I'm pretty good at convincing horses to pick up their feet. Either way, it made me feel good!

I rode April, a quick Quarter horse mare. She was very responsive, and her trot was brisk. I about lost my stirrups when she sped up and took a corner fast--I had to rein her in before I fell off! LOL I was able to post on her for several strides. She had a nice even trot, so it wasn't hard to pick up on the rhythm. I'm getting better!

I am going to try and sign up for the class next semester and take the more advanced class on Saturday mornings, since the Thursday class will interfere with another of my important classes.

One of these days I'm going to get a custom done of Wisdom, as a tribute to the first horse I fell in love with.

I'm thinking about asking my friend Samantha--she does some very good black Stablemate customs ;) However, I'm not sure which mold would suit him best. He's half Arabian, but he doesn't have very strong Arabian traits. He's much more muscular and he doesn't have very much of a dish at all.

Any suggestions?

I'm thinking the G4 driving mare (with boy part added; Wisdom is a gelding), or the Trad. Black Stallion. Those two "feel" more like him.


  1. I tried to post a comment the other night..didn't work apparently. Anyway I'd love to do a portrait of him for you someday. I think the Trad Black Stallion would suit him personally.

    Sorry you won't get to see him anymore he looks like a real sweet heart.

  2. Thanks! Whenever I can get a Trad Black Stallion body, I'll make arrangements with you :)
